Marcela Maya
“Halloween Kills” picks up where its predecessor left off: 2018, on Halloween night, in the town of Haddonfield, Illinois. The town had a history of horror dueto being haunted by main villain, Michael Myers. On that night, those who survived the killer celebrated being alive decades after the thrilling chase Myers put them through. Little did they know that evil was emerging from the dark again, and would come back to finish the job.
The movie was not worth watching and was also very annoying to pay attention to. The production of the movie itself was very bad and there was no work put into any details at all, which made the movie feel very rushed.
“Halloween Kills”, directed by David Gordon Green, premiered in theaters Oct. 15, and was later released on HBO Max on Oct. 22. This rated R film is the second remake of the “Halloween” movies, which feature the famous masked slasher, Michael Myers.
The movie follows Laurie Strode, her daughter, Karen and granddaughter, Allyson Nelson after being attacked by the killer that same night. They had trapped Myers in their burning house, leaving him to die while they hurried to the hospital, all the while Laurie was injured. To their dismay, Myers managed to escape and emerged like a phoenix rising from the flames, killing mercilessly, hence the beginning of another night of horror to the residents of Haddonfield.
The main theme of this movie is showing how dangerous and immature mob mentality can be. The residents of the town decided to get together and end Myers’s “reign of terror,” which ended up being a very obvious mistake as several people died that night. The message Gordon Green wanted to portray about mob mentality can be clearly received, but could have been applied much better than it actually was. At one point in the movie, the mob comes to the realization that they had been chasing the wrong person, thinking it was Myers, which led to this person deciding to take business into their own hands. It became absolute chaos all over the town and it reached a point where even law enforcement joined the mob because they were also sick and tired of Myers getting away. Although the director’s choice of having multiple plot lines did help emphasize the chaos and destruction, there was just too much happening in the movie to genuinely care about what the mob would do next because of how senseless it appeared to be..
The gore did not make up for the mess that the mob scenes were making. Besides being extremely exaggerated, they were not anatomically correct which made for the cringiest watching experience ever. The fact that Michael Myers is definitely not human anymore is understandable, but the fact that there was absolutely no struggle at all when attacking his victims just made the movie even more boring than it already was. That being said, the effects that were supposed to make the movie “scary” definitely did the opposite.
The ending was without a doubt the best part of the movie since it gives a message of understanding and reflection from the perspective of the main characters. Other than that, the movie was definitely not what it claimed to be in the trailers. There was no essence of horror in the movie at all and was mostly just mild suspense and gore, which was very disappointing since it was marketed as an actual horror movie. Gordon Green did not try to fix the mess he made with the last movie at all and just made it worse. The remake just ruins what the original “Halloween” movies represent, which can be very disheartening for horror fanatics.