The Need for Arts in Education
Photo provided by: Emily Klingenberg
Sophomore Jennifer Simon creates a 3-dimensional tower piece for her 3D art class, led by teacher Ashley Buxton in room 6-105 on Thursday, Jan. 18. “I think [art] is a good place for kids who struggle academically because then they can come into the art room and it’s like their place,” Buxton says. “It gives them a room to explore where they feel comfortable.”
January 22, 2018
As the world progresses into a technologically focused society of advancements, innovation is greatly needed. Innovation is sparked through one’s creativity and ability to express their ideas. Art is a catalyst for creativity, as creativity is a catalyst for innovation, and as innovation is a catalyst for advancement. The most basic and beneficial way to introduce the importance of arts is implementing them into education. Many schools across the globe find ways to cut out art classes and instead replace them with other electives. Art classes are needed in education for a multitude of reasons including, idea development, creative thinking, planning skills, and the importance in practicing routines. Each of these skills is necessary in the workforce and can provide proficiency in a variety of fields.
Students allow themselves to be free with their thoughts and find a unique angle to express themselves when working in the arts. A student who can create a masterpiece out of a single thought showcases their ability to “think on their feet” and utilize resources. When the student familiarizes how to use certain tools and mediums, they begin to get comfortable with what they are trying to accomplish and can work towards a self-administered goal. In an art class, the student can develop a style that works as a well rounded theme for their work. They can create something in an environment that they control, fit to their needs. Sophomore art student Jacqui Gerber says, “It frees [the student’s] mind and lets them think creatively not because a piece of paper is giving them rules and guidelines to follow.”
Art classes also allow for the incorporation of other subjects into the work created. Art classes and core classes can work together to provide a place to share ideas, practice collaboration, and utilize skills learned in other subjects in the art room. Art teacher Ashley Buxton says, “I think the biggest reason why art is important to have is because it is outside of the regular core curriculum so you are able to use a different side of your brain completely. On the opposite side on that is I think it is helpful for those core classes because if you are math brained, something like this where they are building a tower, you can use all those pieces that you already know from math class and bring them into an art setting.” Studentswho may be challenged with other subjects are able to use art as an escape. Art class can assist the students with the other classes while providing a class that they can succeed in. The students can have the opportunity to explore, learn, and become inspired to continue art through high school, college, and beyond. Students can be free to move around the room and not stay stagnant listening to a lecture. They are able to peer into their own self discovery and more independent study when in art class that can prepare the student for college and their future career.
Art is needed within education because it allows students a safe space to express opinion and feeling, advance their current academics, and prepare for their future. Modern society needs innovators that can creatively think and form unique ideas and art class can boost students in this way that many subjects cannot. Art allows freedom and fluid thinking while giving a chance for everyone to succeed, better themselves, and better the world.