Importance of Electives
Photo provided by: Victoria Haughton
On September 11th Ms. Resnicks Ap Psychology class modeled a neuron out of candy. This activity is assigned on an annual basis and is a hit among Psych students.
October 28, 2019
Since the beginning of modern day education, students of all ages have been asked the question “What do you want to be when you grow up” and many offer up the brief response of “I am not sure” or respond with whichever job sounds most fascinating, at that time. There are a select few that enter high school knowing exactly what they want to do with their life but for those who are not so lucky, electives can help students find the path they hope to pursue.
Electives give each student a break from the strenuous course load found in core classes such as English, science, history, and math. These subjects range from Physical Education to Cosmetology but all share the same overarching goal of introducing students to new experiences. Through fun and energetic elective courses, high schoolers are provided with the opportunity to see the world with a newfound perspective and in turn consider their future in an entirely new way.
“I heard about the class [Drafting] my sophomore year because some of my friends were taking it and it sounded really interesting to me,” senior Thomas Batcheller said. “As the course progressed I found out how much architecture interested me. Before the class I had no idea what career I wanted to pursue.”
While electives are generally used to introduce new interests to students, they can also serve to intensify pre-existing ones. Senior Avery Lewis has wanted to be an actor since the third grade and now takes drama classes to work on his craft. He is also excited for the opportunities and challenges the class provides. Electives like these provide free challenges and opportunities that students cannot find anywhere else.
“Being around other talented and like minded individuals has definitely intensified my desire to act,” Lewis said. “Having the whole class be as dedicated to acting and performing really gives you a lot of great opportunities to perfect your craft and keep things interesting and exciting.”
While the student’s ability to internalize all the information taught is vital to the learning process, the teacher’s role is equally as important. They have the ability to open doors for students and teach them important life skills. This gives each student the chance to not only learn a new skill but enjoy the classroom atmosphere.
“I would hope that my bands and classes teach students to be self motivated, have pride in their work, take responsibility for their behavior and actions, as well as being a team player and working well with others,” Band Director Bradley Wharton said. “I think these are not only valuable traits in the musical and educational professions, but also valuable in life.”