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  • 2/14 Valentine's Day Pep Rally
  • 12/20 - 1/6 Winter Break
  • 12/12 - 12/15 Much Ado About Nothing in PAC
  • 12/19 End of Quarter 2
  • 12/16 - 12/19 Exam Week
  • 12/9 - 12/13 Winter Week
  • 10/31 Spooky Lunch Jams
  • 10/21 - 11/13 Fall Food Drive
  • 11/1 New Senior Lunch
  • 10/16 Senior SAT Day
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The student news site of Lake Brantley High School

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The student news site of Lake Brantley High School

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Brantley band students showcase their talent

Brantley band students showcase their talent

Cassidy Howard, LBTV Reporter December 16, 2022

On the evenings of Dec. 8 and 9, band students put on the annual showcase event. Students from all different band classes occupied the auditorium stage to students playing a variety of pieces for all who...

On Sat., Oct. 22, participants in Buddy Ball and patriot baseball players gather at Eastmonte baseball fields.

LB baseball participates in Buddy Ball

Cassidy Howard, LBTV Reporter November 9, 2022

On Sat., Oct. 22, patriot baseball players volunteer for Buddy Ball, a program designed to help kids with special needs participate in the sport. The volunteers helped the participants hit, field, throw...

On Thurs. Oct 27, JROTC students sit in the auditorium and listen to the United States Air Force Thunderbirds.

Thunderbirds visit JROTC students

Cassidy Howard, LBTV Reporter November 9, 2022

On Thurs., Oct. 27, the United States Air Force Thunderbirds visited JROTC students to talk about their job. Students were able to learn more about the Air Force and even use virtual reality goggles to...

Junior Avery Ranum shares her thoughts on which level of stuff is the most appetizing in an oreo. "I like the thins because they have more cookie than cream, and I like the cookie better."

OREO review

Brooke Holland, Julia Moon, Avery Ranum, and Ashley Weston October 6, 2021

How much stuff is too much? Seniors Julia Moon and Brooke Holland along with juniors Avery Ranum and Ashley Weston try three different levels of stuffed oreos: thin, original and double stuf.

The 2021 Spring Art Show was located in the Community room from Tuesday m March 9, to Thursday, March 11. Pieces included 2D, 3D, Digital Art, Animation and AP Photography categories. 

Spring Art Show

Brooke Holland, Features Editor April 20, 2021

LGBTQ+ Representation in Media

LGBTQ+ Representation in Media

Angelina Jonkaitis, Entertainment Editor October 3, 2020

LGBTQ+ representation has been more predominant in the media throughout the years. Animated shows, live tv and several movies have introduced new LGBTQ+ related characters and continue to share these stories...

As the break surrounding coronavirus has continued to be extended, students have found many creative cures for boredom.

10 Activities to Try Over Break

Angelina Jonkaitis, Staff Reporter April 10, 2020

Being stuck at home isn't fun for anyone. Thus, I created a list of fun yet simple activities anyone can do to get through the break! From watching movies to making cookies, there are tons of activities...

Students apart of the bands loading crew help unload the uniforms for the Lyman football game. During away games the band loads and unloads trucks of equipment, uniforms and instruments in order to perform at halftime.  Photo provided by: Angelina Jonkaitis

Band Show on the Road!

Angelina Jonkaitis, Staff Reporter March 11, 2020

The band travels to every football game and performs a halftime show that an audience won't forget. Behind the scenes of these off campus performances is a crew of students and parents working as a team...

Joelle Wittig, Sabrina Bonadio and Molly Kucharski created a video about Shriners Healthcare for Children, following the prompt of choosing an organization to convince people to donate to. They earned first place in the state level competition.

Business Professionals of America compete in video production

Joelle Wittig, Editor-in-Chief March 10, 2020

Business Professionals of America (BPA) is a club that participates in competitions each year. There are multiple categories within the club, including accounting, business law, computer programming, graphic...

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