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The student news site of Lake Brantley High School

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The student news site of Lake Brantley High School

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On Mon. Nov. 7, the juniors and seniors prepared to face off in the annual powderpuff game. Seniors Lindsay Sheridan and Riley Fisher use face paint to show camaraderie and class spirit, donning the colors of the senior team. “The time that we spent in the locker room was so fun,” senior Riley Fisher said. “We were all able to bond before the game, especially because we were there twice, since the first game was postponed.”

Powderpuff: an “Old Skool” rivalry

Makayla Martindale and Julia Hubbell November 15, 2022

Initially scheduled for Thurs., Oct. 27, but canceled due to weather, the annual juniors vs. seniors Powderpuff game took place on Mon., Nov. 7. The “Old Skool” seniors defeated the “New Skool”...

Senior Queens and Junior Jokers set up for one of the first plays of the Powderpuff game on Nov. 3. The first and only points of the game were scored by senior Maddie Jones 12 minutes and 46 seconds into the first half.

Queens rule the Jokers in powderpuff

Faith Shimick, News and Copy Editor November 11, 2021

On Nov. 3, the Senior Queens ruled the Junior Jokers 6-0 in a friendly game of flag football known as Powderpuff. The stands at Darvin Boothe Stadium were packed full of supporters to see the captivating...

On Monday, Oct. 7, the Powderpuff players line up on the line of scrimmage for their next play.

Seniors win Powderpuff for the fourth year

Joelle Wittig, Editor-in-Chief November 12, 2019

The stands filled with enthusiastic crowds as the players prepared for the start of the Powderpuff game on Monday, Oct. 7. On the sidelines, the cheer team got in position to hype up the players and audience...

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