Conan comes to House of Blues

Photo provided by: Lily Stilp-Johnston
Conan Gray recently played at the House of Blues in Disney Springs, Florida.
October 13, 2022
On Sept. 20, singer-songwriter Conan Gray performed at the House of Blues located in Disney Springs, Florida. Due to the school’s proximity to the location of the concert, many students were in the show’s audience.
Gray is a pop artist known most for his songs “Heather”, “Family Line” and “Memories”. He originally got his start on Youtube by uploading various covers and original songs in 2013. Gray gained popularity in 2020 when he released his album Kid Krow, which included “Heather”, which became popular on TikTok. Gray has also been recognized by other artists like Taylor Swift and Elton John which works to further his ever-growing popularity.
“I love listening to his songs during my car rides,” junior Laura Silver said. “The only difference really between this performance and his songs was that he incorporated the audience a lot which I personally enjoyed.”
Gray is known for songs that are about his life and experiences. For example, the song “Jigsaw” is about how he tried to change aspects of himself to please others. Many of these songs are favored by fans not just because of how relatable they are, but also because they deeply convey the emotions of Gray.
“My favorite part was probably the speech he did before he played the acoustic version of the song,” senior Lily-Stilp Johnson said. “It’s one of his most popular songs and he gave a really heartfelt and sweet speech.”
The concert was loved by many and brought lots of people together, not just because of the fact that they were able to see their favorite singer in person, but because it helped connect a group that had similar interests.
“I enjoyed the community of people however, it was pretty packed in the House of Blues,” senior Justin Moore said. “Overall it was a great experience.”