Homecoming Court

Seniors Matt Little and Jessica Powell prepare for a ride around the Tom Storey Field on Thursday, September 7 after being crowned homecoming King and Queen before the game. Powell and Little were voted winners out of a group of ten by their fellow classmates.

Photo provided by: Bridget Froemming

Seniors Matt Little and Jessica Powell prepare for a ride around the Tom Storey Field on Thursday, September 7 after being crowned homecoming King and Queen before the game. Powell and Little were voted winners out of a group of ten by their fellow classmates.

Joelle Wittig, Staff Reporter

On September 7, shortly before the Thursday varsity football homecoming game against Winter Haven, the coronation for homecoming court winners, who were chosen by the leadership class’ new electronic voting system, took place. Announced over the stadium speakers by Brian Keyes, the 2017 Homecoming King and Queen are Matt Little and Jessica Powell.

As their names were called as winners, Little and Powell walked through the path formed by ROTC students to greet last year’s queen, Tyanna DeSanto, who proudly handed down her title and crowned them King and Queen. After gaining their titles, Powell and Little rode off in a black Mustang to take their victory lap around the track. Although in recent years both the previous king and queen are present to coronate the new Homecoming royalty, last year’s king and DeSanto’s boyfriend, Christian Roa, was unable to attend due to football commitments at Florida Agricultural and Medical University.

“I was excited for the new king and queen to feel the excitement my boyfriend and I felt the year before,” DeSanto said. “All in all, it was just great to be back to watch the football game, the cheerleaders, the band and my fellow sparks [Sparklers] do what they do best.”

Little hopes to attend UCF or Ohio State to study business after he graduates, but as a Brantley student, he participates in many activities including playing trumpet with the band, volunteering through Key Club, playing goalie for the boys varsity water polo team, and being a member of NHS and the business program. Despite his heavy involvement around campus, being on the Homecoming court was something entirely new to him.

“When I heard the announcement say that I made it on the top ten, I was extremely surprised because I didn’t realize that so many people knew who I was, and even though I knew a lot of people, there are a ton of guys besides me to vote for,” Little said. “I’ve never been the most popular guy in school because I’m pretty quiet and don’t really talk to a lot of people.”

Unlike Little, this is Powell’s third year in a row on court. She too participates in a multitude of activities such as varsity cheer, peer counseling, and the Little Patriot Preschool program. Powell joined the preschool program with nothing but a love for children, but throughout the years participating it has inspired her desire to open a preschool of her own after graduating from, hopefully, Florida Atlantic University with a major in early childhood education and minor in business. She also hopes to participate in cheer at her college.

“It was very flattering to be voted queen because I had no idea that many people knew who I was because even underclassmen got to vote,” Powell said. “It was cool to know that people know who I am and thought of my name when voting. High school goes by so fast and it’s moments like these that remind me to soak it all in before graduating.”