Building Five breakdown
Photo provided by: Cara Roth
With the courtyard still under construction, students are forced to find other ways around campus. An extra path through the construction zone was opened on the second day of school to help students get to classes on time.
September 23, 2019
The new Building Five brought technological advancements and modern layouts to campus, but with it came controversy and drama on the first day of the 2019-2020 school year. The planning process for the building began in 2017 and was completed less than a month before the first day on Aug. 12. Now that it is built, walking from the furthest classroom in Building Eight to the furthest classroom in the new and improved Building Five is over a quarter mile.
Many students are fans of the new technology of the classrooms, such as hanging TV monitors instead of projectors and high top desks in many classrooms. Building Five also has a different color scheme than the rest of campus, with blue walls in classrooms, a bright yellow wall and neon green chairs. The building stairwells are interior and the building has an elevator, unlike the old Building Five, which had a ramp for accessibility to the upper level classrooms.
“It’s [Building Five] very college like; after going to UCF and seeing it and then this building, it’s very similar in its structure – the way each classroom is comprised of materials and furniture and even the stairwells,” art teacher Ashley Buxton said. “It’s nice, bright and airy, which is nice, rather than a dark dungeon. In my new room now have a second storage closet that I can put all student work so we can have a designated space for work in a designated space for materials.”
Contrary to the support Building Five has received, many students are unsettled by the recent shifts in campus infrastructure. HERO passes started on Aug. 22, leaving many students nervous for the inevitable tardies that the trek to Building Five will bring.
“The classrooms are very nice, it’s the walk that’s a hassle,” senior Christian Perry said. “I think that if they added a covered walkway like in the other buildings, it would be a better walk. Building Five definitely seems like an add-on, considering how far away it is, but I think the covers would definitely help to connect it and add some coherence in the design.”
On the first day, the main complaint students had with the new building was the walking distance. Students are arriving late to class despite the extended bell schedule, simply due to limited walking pathways and the hoards of students rushing both in and out of the building. On the second day of school, a section of the construction site was opened up as a secondary pathway, causing dirt to be tracked in on the students’ feet. By the third day, a layer of mulch was placed over to limit the stained shoes and dirty floors. The construction will be complete by Oct. 1, but in the meantime, infrastructure will continue to change. Despite the current issues, the administrative staff is working diligently to address these concerns.
“It’s going to be sod, an outdoor covered dining area and picnic tables,” Principal Brian Blasewitz said. “Right now, it’s kind of a pain, because there’s only really one way in, one way out of [Building] Five, unless you cut through the new restaurant. That’ll change, it’ll open up and be better.”
Despite the controversy, the construction where the old Building Five stood continues to be developed, with the vision of an outdoor dining area and a covered pavilion urging it on. Currently, the new Building Five, though it is fit for classes, is not completely finished, as there are plans to add vending machines and potentially supplement classrooms with extra furniture and storage space.
“I think that we’re going to take a look at a lot of things this first semester to see what works and what’s not working,” Blasewitz said. “I’m not above changing policies and changing things to fit what we need. If I see a problem, we’re going to fix it. I’m a little flexible with the HERO pass, but we’re going to see how it goes for the first couple weeks.”