A full course production
Photo provided by: Makayla Martindale
On Apr. 22, sophomores Chloe Graham, Emma Pullin, Mayson Cooney, and Delaney Taylor enjoy their food during C lunch. The girls decided to sit indoors to eat their meals. “I like sitting inside because there’s no bees inside,” sophomore Chloe Graham said. “All the bees from outside used to eat my food, but now none of the bees eat my food.”
April 22, 2021
Lunch. It is an integral part of the day for most. Gathering around the table with like-minded individuals to escape the stress of the day, for some, can be the best part. From the lunchroom drama of North Shore High School in Mean Girls, to the lunchroom dance scene of High School Musical, lunchtime has proven to be an important part of the high school experience, even in the media. The Patriot’s Point cafeteria offers a multitude of flexible seating options for students to choose from to make this experience even better.
Even with so many seating choices indoors, including high-tops, booths and tables, many students still opt to sit outside.
“Even from the beginning of freshman year, there was no space for us on the inside,” junior Veronica Picart said. “It felt claustrophobic. So, we just adopted sitting outside. This year we sat outside because of [COVID-19] because we feel like the open space is better. We like watching the kids around us and we like watching the kids playing football on the field.”
For some students, their selection of seating options comes down to comfort. When looking for a space to decompress from the school day, many students find it difficult to turn to a noisy cafeteria.
“I sit outside because I feel a lot safer outside,” senior Melissa Sargent said. “Besides, it’s a lot louder in the cafeteria and because senioritis is in full swing, I need some quiet time outside with my friends.”
Other students have a different perspective, finding the indoor cafeteria to have more benefits than the outdoors.

“Sitting inside is better because it’s always the same temperature,” sophomore Delaney Taylor said. “We like sitting inside because it’s not as noisy. The people we used to sit with outside, like the table next to us, were really obnoxious. Inside, it’s always cold so it’s not hot from the heat.”
No matter where students choose to catch up with their peers while recharging themselves, there is no denying that lunch is an important part of the school day.
“Lunchtime means a time to break away from school life and just be with friends,” Sargent said. “It also means some extra time to sort out my after school activities and make sure I’m on track to keep up on my grades.”
Little Patriot Lunch
By: Makayla Martindale
On Apr. 22, Early Childhood Education teacher Andrea Lesko and the high school student-teachers set up lunch for the preschoolers. The children are enrolled in the Little Patriots Preschool, which doubles as a class for high schoolers in Early Childhood Education two and above. The kids are served their daily lunch with help from the student-teachers who assist the children in everything from the food that they are served to the lessons that they are taught.
Julia Hubbell • Apr 23, 2021 at 9:52 am
This makes me hungry
Julia Hubbell • Apr 23, 2021 at 9:52 am
I love this so much!