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  • 2/14 Valentine's Day Pep Rally
  • 12/20 - 1/6 Winter Break
  • 12/12 - 12/15 Much Ado About Nothing in PAC
  • 12/19 End of Quarter 2
  • 12/16 - 12/19 Exam Week
  • 12/9 - 12/13 Winter Week
  • 10/31 Spooky Lunch Jams
  • 10/21 - 11/13 Fall Food Drive
  • 11/1 New Senior Lunch
  • 10/16 Senior SAT Day
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The student news site of Lake Brantley High School

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The student news site of Lake Brantley High School

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Senior Austin Knight and Coach Allan Knight dressed up as each other for student/teacher swap day.

Senior week: a bittersweet end to an era

Sammie Jo Clark, Section Editor April 30, 2024

As the school year comes to an end so does that of the senior class’ final moments of high school. After four years of hard work and memories, the graduating class is celebrating their final weeks at...

During the lunch, games such as cornhole and spikeball were available on the football field for seniors to play. Things got competitive as friends faced off against each other in intense matches.

Fun in the sun with senior lunch

Amelia Galliford, Section Editor September 26, 2023

Even though it is only the start of a new school year, it already feels like the end for plenty of seniors. For this year’s graduating class, this year is the last chance to radiate school spirit at...

On Oct. 29, homecoming was hosted out on the Patriot Grassy Green. Students packed the dance floor listening to music as strobe lights flashed.

Why you should ho-go to hoco

Avery Ranum, Editor-in-Chief November 1, 2022

This year, I am a senior in high school. Many of the activities I have participated in have become my last: my last first day of school, my last football game, and more recently, my last homecoming. Although...

Seniors Anna Wesley and Madison Harris share what they have learned throughout their last year in high school with Junior Shelby Brunson.

Ask a Senior: Episode 1

Madison Harris, Shelby Brunson, and Anna Wesley March 3, 2020

In this episode, junior Shelby Brunson asks Madison Harris and Anna Wesley burning questions juniors have about senior year, the college application process and other important decisions!

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