Everyone has a day to day schedule. For some, it can make or break the day’s productivity. Recently, a divisive new block schedule was introduced to the school, consisting of even and odd classes being separated to different days throughout the week with the exception of fifth period occurring daily. Productivity, academic prowess, and increased learning time are three of the main aspects that the block schedule was modified to improve. Regardless of whether or not the student body likes the block schedule or not, they can admit it has taken an immense toll on the learning algorithm, as well as test taking, the amount of homework and even lesson plans for teachers. Many people say that the block schedule ensures a lower workload for both students and teachers. Others say the only thing the block schedule is capable of guaranteeing is a curriculum that feels more tedious. While some may see the positive perspective of increased time in classes, it doesn’t diminish the inconsistent pace of the week.
“I knew exactly how to prepare for the shorter period but now I’m uncertain,’’ physics teacher Charles Cutler said
Students often require consistency to make good progress in their classes. Additionally, many students have expressed trouble with staying focused throughout a 90-minute class period. Often, the long stretches of uninterrupted class time can lead to fatigue and a loss of motivation. This can potentially cause a decline in grades.
“The majority of students cannot stay focused for that long and will have to endure twice the workload in one day,” sophomore Jayla Torres said.
Students and teachers’ opinions vary but the majority’s opinion seems to fall against the block schedule implementation. The way the schedule runs now, students only see their classes three times a week. Teaching and learning have both seen new challenges due to missing days
“If students miss a day they are behind on double the work and it will be a big adjustment if they can’t catch up immediately,” Cutler said.
Teachers have struggled with planning lessons and even staying engaged with their own classes. Given the complaints that have been made about the block schedule system, the long term effects it has on the school population should not be ignored or labeled as a minor modification to the school system.
“I’ve had an overload of assignments in the past three days and it has been a major stress factor for me,” junior Cassandra Vincent said.
The controversy regarding the block schedule has definitely been heard among the student body. These voices are only some of the many people who have an opinion on this change and have come to a conclusion. Overall, the block schedule has altered the students ability to learn, as well as the faculty’s ability to teach. The block schedule was implemented to establish more learning time and enhance student’s academic performance. However, it has done just the opposite.