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The student news site of Lake Brantley High School

The Brantley Banner

The student news site of Lake Brantley High School

The Brantley Banner

The student news site of Lake Brantley High School

The Brantley Banner

Miryam Elshaer

Miryam Elshaer, Editor in Chief

Miryam Elshaer is a senior and is the Editor-in-Chief of the Brantley Banner. She has felt at home ever since discovering the journalism program at Lake Brantley during her freshman year. She enjoys to read, loves anything that has to do with history and English. Miryam is the president of National English Honor Society, Science National Honor Society, and Quill and Scroll Honor Society. She is also the historian of Mu Alpha Theta and a member of the school’s photography program. In her free time, she volunteers at Forest City Elementary School, and loves working and inspiring the younger students. Miryam is a vegetarian and enjoys going to concerts, art festivals and journaling in her free time.

All content by Miryam Elshaer
On  Monday, March 4 junior varsity’s starting lineup takes the field as their fellow team members cheer them on to aid their victory in the upcoming game. The junior varsity and varsity girls lacrosse teams played against Winter Park High School in Darwin Boothe Stadium with the junior varsity team winning at 10-4 and the varsity team losing at 8-10. “It [the win] was awesome, I love to see how excited and how happy our team gets after we win a game,” sophomore and JV player Abby Arace said.

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Junior varsity begins their warm-up at 5:00 p.m .on Monday, March 4,  to prepare for their upcoming game. The junior varsity and varsity girls lacrosse teams played against Winter Park High School in Darwin Boothe Stadium with the junior varsity team winning at 10-4 and the varsity team losing at 8-10. “The team as a whole, as well as many individuals, have improved so much,” sophomore and JV player Abby Arace said. “Many girls on our team just started playing this season, and have already improved so much, you wouldn’t even guess that this is their first year playing.”

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The junior varsity team begins their warm-up by practicing passing, shooting, and ground balls on Monday, March 4 . The junior varsity and varsity girls lacrosse teams played against Winter Park High School in Darwin Boothe Stadium with the junior varsity team winning at 10-4 and the varsity team losing at 8-10. “I love winning any game really, especially with the wonderful team I have,” junior and JV player Riley Fleming said.

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Senior and junior varsity player Lauren Bruce jumps to catch the ball following the practice of a draw with another team member on on Monday, March 4. The junior varsity and varsity girls lacrosse teams played against Winter Park High School in Darwin Boothe Stadium with the junior varsity team winning at 10-4 and the varsity team losing at 8-10.

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Junior varsity members practice their skills at completing a draw in preparation for the upcoming game on Monday, March 4 .The junior varsity and varsity girls lacrosse teams played against Winter Park High School in Darwin Boothe Stadium with the junior varsity team winning at 10-4 and the varsity team losing at 8-10. “It is so helpful to go over plays and defensive positions before our games,” junior and varsity player Joelle Wittig said. “It refreshes everyone’s memories on what to do and helps us feel more mentally prepared to play our best against the opposing team.”

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The girls work together to practice passing and retrieving the balls before their game begins on Monday, March 4. The junior varsity and varsity girls lacrosse teams played against Winter Park High School in Darwin Boothe Stadium with the junior varsity team winning at 10-4 and the varsity team losing at 8-10.

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The junior varsity teams stand for the national anthem before their game begins on Monday, March 4 . The junior varsity and varsity girls lacrosse teams played against Winter Park High School in Darwin Boothe Stadium with the junior varsity team winning at 10-4 and the varsity team losing at 8-10.

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On Monday, March 4 the junior varsity team listens to their coaches as they prepare them for their game and inform them of the different plays that they should be enacting. The junior varsity and varsity girls lacrosse teams played against Winter Park High School in Darwin Boothe Stadium with the junior varsity team winning at 10-4 and the varsity team losing at 8-10.

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Junior varsity players huddle together before their game on Monday, March 4, to encourage and motivate one another. The junior varsity and varsity girls lacrosse teams played against Winter Park High School in Darwin Boothe Stadium with the junior varsity team winning at 10-4 and the varsity team losing at 8-10. “The team and coaches are my favorite thing because it’s like a second family,” junior and JV player Allison Roosenberg said. “Everyone gets along and there’s no drama.”

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Junior varsity players go head to head for the ball as they approach Brantley’s side of the field during the game on on Monday, March 4. The junior varsity and varsity girls lacrosse teams played against Winter Park High School in Darwin Boothe Stadium with the junior varsity team winning at 10-4 and the varsity team losing at 8-10.

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Junior varsity players huddle together before their game on Monday, March 4, to encourage and motivate one another. The junior varsity and varsity girls lacrosse teams played against Winter Park High School in Darwin Boothe Stadium with the junior varsity team winning at 10-4 and the varsity team losing at 8-10. “The team and coaches are my favorite thing because it’s like a second family,” junior and JV player Allison Roosenberg said. “Everyone gets along and there’s no drama.”

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In 2017 Lake Brantley alumni and film editor, Joi Mcmillon won an Oscar for best film editing for the movie Moonlight.

Women of Color take Hollywood by Storm

Miryam Elshaer, Editor-in-Chief
February 27, 2019
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Seniors Cara Crawford, Devyn Nance, Madeline Wheaton, Emily Woods, and August Esbjorn-Witt are the 2018-2019 officers for the Art Honors Society.

[Photo] Feminism in Lake Brantley

Maddie Watts, Staff Reporter
February 27, 2019
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Seniors Miryam Elshaer and Bailey Carter go try "Little Saigon", a restaurant on East Colonial in 
Orlando, on Sunday, Oct.23. Little Saigon does not traditionally offer many vegetarian or gluten free options but the staff kindly worked with their dietary preferences and gave them many options.

[Photo] Little Saigon review

November 9, 2018
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Seniors Miryam Elshaer and Bailey Carter go try "Little Saigon", a restaurant on East Colonial in 
Orlando, on Sunday, Oct.23. Little Saigon does not traditionally offer many vegetarian or gluten free options but the staff kindly worked with their dietary preferences and gave them many options.

Little Saigon review

Miryam Elshaer, Editor-In-Chief
November 9, 2018
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 A man adorned in latex, streamers and a crown walks through the parade with Suntrust Bank guiding the float and the employees as the crowd cheers him on. The LGBT+ community and allies celebrated Orlando Pride on Saturday, Oct. 13, at Lake Eola from 10 A.M. to 10 P.M..

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A woman walking Pride is Political raises her sign to the crowd while chanting and encouraging the youth at the event to use their voice and become more active in politics.The LGBT+ community and allies celebrated Orlando Pride on Saturday, Oct. 13, at Lake Eola from 10 A.M. to 10 P.M..

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Pride is Political goes through the parade on a float with banners encouraging the crowd to use their voice and vote in the upcoming election. The LGBT+ community and allies celebrated Orlando Pride on Saturday, Oct. 13, at Lake Eola from 10 A.M. to 10 P.M..

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A man with the Orlando Magic rides a hoverboard and waves pride flags as he hypes up the crowd for the Orlando Magic cheerleaders. The LGBT+ community and allies celebrated Orlando Pride on Saturday, Oct. 13, at Lake Eola from 10 A.M. to 10 P.M..

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A woman on a unicorn cheers and talks with the crowd as she walks through the parade. The LGBT+ community and allies celebrated Orlando Pride on Saturday, Oct. 13, at Lake Eola from 10 A.M. to 10 P.M..

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Oracle workers adorned in rainbows and floats walk the parade and dance with the crowd during Orlando Pride. The LGBT+ community and allies celebrated Orlando Pride on Saturday, Oct. 13, at Lake Eola from 10 A.M. to 10 P.M..

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Sophomore Emily Kirsch and sophomore Erin Hueguenin of the Lake Brantley Gay Straight Alliance(GSA) walk in parade with other GSA groups from Central Florida. The LGBT+ community and allies celebrated Orlando Pride on Saturday, Oct. 13, at Lake Eola from 10 A.M. to 10 P.M..

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The Orlando Gay Chorus rides on a float through the pride parade adorned in rainbow fans and glasses, while handing out fliers to join the chorus. The LGBT+ community and allies celebrated Orlando Pride on Saturday, Oct. 13,  at Lake Eola from 10 A.M. to 10 P.M..

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A Drag Queen poses on the back of a truck that guides their organization through the parade where they hand out candy and chant with the crowd. The LGBT+ community and allies celebrated Orlando Pride on Saturday, Oct. 13, at Lake Eola from 10 A.M. to 10 P.M.

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WIIINGS for Everyone marches with a rainbow banner in the pride parade while handing out mini pride flags and Red Bulls from coolers. The LGBT+ community and allies celebrated Orlando Pride on Saturday, Oct. 13 at Lake Eola from 10 A.M. to 10 P.M.

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Disney workers walk to support the LBGT+ community in the Orlando Pride parade. The group handed out stickers and displayed rainbow mickey signs. The LGBT+ community and allies celebrated Orlando Pride on Saturday, Oct. 13 at Lake Eola from 10 A.M. to 10 P.M.

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A group walks through Downtown Orlando carrying the Pride balloon letters as the crowd cheers them on while they lead the way for rest of the organizations marching. The LGBT+ community and allies celebrated Orlando Pride on Saturday, Oct. 13,  at Lake Eola from 10 A.M. to 10 P.M.

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Suntrust employees hand out pride flags and interact with the crowd as they make their way down Magnolia Ave. with the parade. The LGBT+ community and allies celebrated Orlando Pride on Saturday, Oct. 13 at Lake Eola from 10 A.M. to 10 P.M.

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The City of Orlando employees celebrate PRIDE and hand out stickers on a float during  the pride parade. The LGBT+ community and allies celebrated Orlando Pride on Saturday, Oct. 13, at Lake Eola from 10 A.M. to 10 P.M.

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[Photo] Yellow-Out Pep Rally

Anisa Velazquez, Features Editor
August 30, 2018
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The Vans Warped Tour inflatable schedule, tours nationwide with the bands. The inflatable displayed the schedule for the Vans Warped tour in Orlando on Friday, Aug. 3.

Final Van’s Warped Tour Review

Miryam Elshaer, Editor in Chief
September 15, 2018
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The snare drummers play across from the symbols during the drum circle surrounding the cheerleaders during the third quarter. The football game against Hagerty High School took place on Friday, Aug. 24 on the Tom Storey Field, with the Patriots winning with a score of 35-17.

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Drum major Dillon Zinno works with the cheerleaders following the halftime show at the football game against Hagerty High School on Friday, Aug. 28 to ask senior Emma Zigenbein to homecoming. The cheerleaders performed a stunt and held signs that said “HOCO” and Zinno held a sign that said “Emma?” Zigenbein said yes.

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Patriot Pete waves the flag to pump up the crowd as the stands cheer during a play. The football game against Hagerty High School took place on Friday, Aug. 24 on Tom Storey Field, with the Patriots winning with a score of 35-17.

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The marching patriots exit the stands and walk onto the track in order to prepare for the halftime show. The football game against Hagerty High School took place on Friday, Aug. 24 on Tom Storey Field, with the Patriots winning with a score of 35-17.

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Football players line up in preparation for the next play. The football game against Hagerty High School took place on Friday, Aug. 24 on Tom Storey Field, with the Patriots winning with a score of 35-17.

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Drum majors Logan Morris and Dillon Zinno dance along with the band during “Big Mama” . The football game against Hagerty High School took place on Friday, Aug. 24 on the Tom Storey Field, with the Patriots winning with a score of 35-17.

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Varsity cheerleaders, Cecilia Dequatro, Josalyn Pagan and Lexi Kreimier take their positions and use a catapult  to launch a t-shirt into the crowd. The “Yellow Out” football game against Hagerty High School took place on Friday, Aug. 24 on Tom Storey Field, with the Patriots winning with a score of 35-17.

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Senior Jamie Benghiat uses the megaphone to hype up the crowd and spur on a chant for the team during a play. The football game against Hagerty High School took place on Friday, Aug. 24 on Tom Storey Field, with the Patriots winning with a score of 35-17.

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[Photo] Miryam Elshaer

September 7, 2017
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On Monday, May 7, juniors Sebastian Anchea and Veria Puerta-Alvarado discuss the scoring breakdown of an essay in room 8-111 during Advanced Placement [AP] United States History. Vita Simmons, the  AP U.S. history teacher, assigned essays to students in pairs which they scored daily during their review period. She then rewarded students who properly scored the essays with scholastically inspired prizes. “The essays helped us understand why students got certain scores that they did.  It also made it easier to recognize context and analysis. The essays were good review on [the] topics too since the evidence students used would refresh our own memories,” Puerta-Alvarado said.

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Junior Annaliece Balensiefen reviews her score breakdown on the practice Advanced Placement[AP] Language and Composition National on Tuesday, May 8, in room 7-206 during class. Students were given the opportunity to attend two practice AP nationals on consecutive Saturdays, and were then given the time to review their scores in class and make corrections to their exams. “In my AP Language and Composition class, we practiced for the [AP] test throughout the entire school year. I believe that our weekly essays, vocabulary quizzes, and the occasional multiple choice passage helped me prepare for the test more than I could have imagined in the beginning of this year," Balensiefen said.

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On Tuesday, May 8, juniors Ashley Taylor and Logan Keller review the multiple choice section of their practice Advanced Placement Language and Composition National in room 7-206 in order to understand the questions they did not answer correctly. Students were put into pairs to identify their mistakes, correct them, and comprehend the problems that they answered incorrectly.

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On Tuesday, May 8, senior Mackenzie Clyburn edits her concentration photos and places them within her portfolio during Advanced Placement photography in room 5-002. Students were required to submit 12 concentration pieces, all centered around a topic of their choosing, along with 12 breadth pieces that demonstrated their skills in a broader perspective.  “Gaver is like the yoda of photography. You don't want to do anything without his blessing,” Clyburn said.

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During Advanced placement photography, photography teacher Alex Garver works with senior Claire Glatting to select the layout of her portfolio on Tuesday, May 8, in room 5-002.  Garver worked with each student to ensure that they were confident in the final editing and placement of their photos prior to submitting them to College Board.

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Junior Rhianna Applegate completes a review for Advanced Placement[AP] Environmental Science on Tuesday, May 8, in room 5-009 in preparation for the AP National. The students were required to write out the question and answer from the review book along with an explanation of what led them to that anwer choice.

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On Tuesday, May 8, Advanced placement U.S. History teacher, Vita Simmons, lines her students up on the bus ramp to play a review game. The students were each tasked with compiling a list of historical events or figures relevant to their assigned category and upon providing historical context to their classmates lists were allowed progression within the game.

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Junior Tanner Chamness works independently on an Advanced Placement Calculus review book on Friday, May 11, in preparation for the national taking place the following next week. While many teachers provide review in class, students are still encouraged to practice the course material beyond the classroom in order to excel on the national.

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On the morning of Tuesday, May 8, Advanced Placement[AP] Physics I teacher Dina Cavicchia provides breakfast prior to the AP National in room 8-122. The students were also tasked with uncovering all of her items which they had wrapped in aluminum foil while she had been away, this provided a relaxed and carefree environment prior to the AP exam.

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On Friday, Feb. 2 junior Emily Woods attends the AP underclassmen show at Casselberry in order to view her work, along with other Seminole County artists. Woods attended the opening night of the event in order to support her fellow young artists.

Art advanced placement underclassmen show

Miryam Elshaer, Multimedia/Web Editor
March 14, 2018
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On Tuesday, Nov. 28 lead musician of rock band All Time Low was singing their hit song "Kids in the Dark" following their opening acts. The band performed an extended set list due to the cancellation of their earlier show time.

All Time Low Review

Miryam Elshaer, Multimedia/Web Editor
March 13, 2018
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 After school on Friday, Feb. 23, the Art Honor Society, Origami club, and Star wars club met following the Parkland shooting to create cards of condolences and support for Marjory Stoneman Douglas. The clubs displayed the total works on a table to dry before being collected and sent off.

Showing support for Marjory Stoneman Douglas

Miryam Elshaer, Multimedia/Web Editor
March 12, 2018
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During National Art Honor Society on Friday, Feb. 23, students August Esbjorn-Witt, Camille Gros, and Alexis Casaccio all laugh and joke around while completing their cards for Marjory Stoneman Douglas. The students drew the school's mascot, an eagle, with messages of warmth and strength.

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Sophomore Aubree Wilkes, a member of Star wars club, participates in the card making activity in room 7-105 after school on Friday. Feb. 23. The two sponsors of the clubs, art teacher Kathryn Farmer and photography teacher Alex Garver, thought it was important to gather their students and demonstrate their support for the Parkland students.

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On Friday, Feb. 23, the National Art Honor Society, Star wars club, and Origami club met together in order to create cards for the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas. Senior Peyton Beck designed a card modelled after student Emma Gonzalez, who had delivered a speech regarding the shooting earlier that week.

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Juniors Andreina Teixeira and Rebecca Calderon are attending the art club meeting on Friday, Feb. 23 after school in order to create cards and send to the victims of the Parkland students. Students created a joint effort in order to show Lake Brantley’s   community support for the Douglas community.

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Junior Abiola Adebanjo is working on her card intended for the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas on Friday, Feb. 23 after school. She stamped her hand onto the card and embellished it with motivational messages.

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Students are gathering in order to brainstorm and cultivate creative and inspirational cards for the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas on Friday, Feb. 23 after school. The students of each of the three clubs completed their own respective cards and sent them to the school through a joint effort.

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Junior Renee Gooden watercolors a sketchbook page during the Art National Honor Society meeting on Friday, Feb. 23. Gooden began sketching after she had completed her contribution to the cards for the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas.

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Sophomores Alicia Stuffy and Giselle Hernandez are water coloring their cards to send to the victims of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas shooting on Friday, Feb. 23. The students took a quick pause from their hard work in order to smile for a photo.  "It felt nice to be able to cheer up the students at SD[Stoneman Douglas]," sophomore Giselle Hernandez said. "So many people made cards with different concepts it was cool. "

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The members of Origami club, sophomores Quentin Voccia and Jaclyn Arnold, join their Art Society counterpart, Faith Lapp, in order to create origami and cards for the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas. Students learned new methods of origami and also tested their creative boundaries while creating cards for the victims.

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After school on Friday, Feb. 16 students Jonathon So and Jacob Plummer  explain popular board game "Dungeons and Dragons" to photography teacher Alex Garver. The sponsor of Star wars club and fanatic of many popular board/video games had never attempted the game that was popularized yet again due to popular TV show, “Stranger Things”. “You taught us photography so we’re going to teach you D&D [Dungeons and dragons],” junior Jacob Plummer said.

Photos of the Week 2/12/18-2/16/18

Miryam Elshaer, Multimedia/Web Editor
February 21, 2018
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Three-year-old Carter Perales enjoys himself after the yearly December Gingerbread Hunt lead by the Early Childhood class. Before the students could join the cookie decorating, they first had to find their gingerbread that had been hidden by instructor Andrea Lesko.

Preparing Little Patriots Lunches

Miryam Elshaer, Multimedia/Web Editor
January 28, 2018
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These are the two streaming platforms utilized by many of the gaming community.

The Olympics of Gaming

Miryam Elshaer, Multimedia/ Web Editor
December 13, 2017
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Brantley reallocates sports funding

Miryam Elshaer, Multimedia/Web Editor
December 12, 2017
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A group of Lake Brantley High School teachers pose together in the courtyard as they show their support to all students by wearing their “Love Conquers Hate” shirts on Monday, Oct. 23. Applied Technology teacher Angela Cecere and other teachers were concerned about the protest that was supposed to take place the same Monday and ordered the shirts to show support to students. “We felt like we had to do something that would show support to all students,” Cecere said. “[We] felt like wearing [the same] shirt would do that, so we agreed upon a design and the look [for the shirts]. We all wore them on that Monday.”

Photos of the Week 10/30/17-11/3/17

Miryam Elshaer, Multimedia Editor
November 6, 2017
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In order for students to complete a partner quiz the AP Literature class takes advantage of the cool Florida weather on Monday, Oct. 30 by taking the quiz outside Building 8. They were required to give and receive feedback from their peers about the quiz. “We were doing [a] partner quiz and we needed some space for them to talk and be away from other people,” Advanced Placement Literature teacher Jucker said. “But also it was kind of nice out so we were taking in the sunshine and the ‘Florida winter’.”

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In order for students to complete a partner quiz the AP Literature class takes advantage of the cool Florida weather on Monday, Oct. 30 by taking the quiz outside Building 8. They were required to give and receive feedback from their peers about the quiz. “We were doing [a] partner quiz and we needed some space for them to talk and be away from other people,” Advanced Placement Literature teacher Jucker said. “But also it was kind of nice out so we were taking in the sunshine and the ‘Florida winter’.”

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In order for students to complete a partner quiz the AP Literature class takes advantage of the cool Florida weather on Monday, Oct. 30 by taking the quiz outside Building 8. They were required to give and receive feedback from their peers about the quiz. “We were doing [a] partner quiz and we needed some space for them to talk and be away from other people,” Advanced Placement Literature teacher Jucker said. “But also it was kind of nice out so we were taking in the sunshine and the ‘Florida winter’.”

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Photography teacher Alex Garver collected the students Inktober pieces during the meeting on Friday, Oct.6 and captured a photograph of them for the Lake Brantley fine arts instagram. Garver actively posted student works from different prompts of the inktober list throughout the month.

Inktober through the Images

Miryam Elshaer, Multimedia Editor
October 31, 2017
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 National Art Honor Society members gather around fine arts teachers Katy Farmer and Alex Garver while they discuss the inktober prompts and pieces before them on Friday, Oct.6. Photography teacher Alex Garver asked students to place their works before him so that he could post them on the Lake Brantley fine arts instagram.

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The members of National Art Honor Society all interact with one another while drawing in their sketchbooks during the meeting on Friday, Oct.6. Students then voted on other club issues, like t-shirt design.

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Sophomore Faith Lapp works on her Inktober piece during the National Art Honor Society meeting on Friday, Oct.6. Lapp preferred to enjoy markers for her ink medium and promptly joined the Honor Society.

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Seniors Angel Rodriguez and Gabriel Agudelo work on their Inktober pieces during National Art Honor Society meeting on Friday, Oct.6. The president contributed half of the meeting to students creating Inktober pieces and discussing them as a group.

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Sophomore Alicia Steffy, Aurora Jimenez, and Giselle Hernandez illustrate with a variety of mediums, including watercolor, in their sketchbooks during the National Art Honor Society meeting on Friday, Oct. 6. The students allotted time for their work to dry before moving on to further detail.

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Photography teacher Alex Garver displays his piece for Inktober day three, poison, during class on Thursday, Oct. 5. Garver challenged his photography students to apply the words to their photos or to even begin inking themselves.

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Senior Jon So completes an Inktober piece, utilizing the word ‘long’, by using markers and pens on Thursday, Oct.5. Sno avidly completed the Inktober works on their assigned days.

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