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  • 12/12 - 12/15 Much Ado About Nothing in PAC
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The student news site of Lake Brantley High School

The Brantley Banner

The student news site of Lake Brantley High School

The Brantley Banner

The student news site of Lake Brantley High School

The Brantley Banner

Anisa Velazquez

Anisa Velazquez, Features Editor

Anisa Velazquez is the Features Editor for the Brantley Banner 2019-2020 school year. Continuing newspaper for her third year she hopes to have a year full of eager reporters and quality content that everybody is proud of, as she loves to represent the student body through journalism. She has earned a few awards for her work in newspaper including an All-Florida award for “Student Life Photography” and her page design. She also earned an excellence award for her profile stories. As a senior she is looking to find a school that will fit her finance career. When she is not in school she works after school at Jeremiah’s. She also volunteers at Rock Lake Middle School and helps with open house and makes sure that every student and parent is where they need to be at all times. As well as volunteering she likes to spend time traveling to different states to go to concerts. She also likes enjoying the outdoors with her family including doing activities like kayaking, paddle boarding, and spending time with her friends at the beach. This year on staff she wants to end the way she started high school, with journalism as her priority.

All content by Anisa Velazquez
The girls lacrosse team has a 22-year-streak of winning districts going into this school year. "It puts pressure on us because we feel like we need to keep the record going," junior Daylin Hejtmanek said. "We don’t want to be the team who breaks it."

22 Years of District Wins

Anisa Velazquez, Features Editor
April 11, 2020
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Artists pick: Thai Kev

[Video] Artists pick: Thai Kev

Anisa Velazquez, Features editor
April 3, 2020
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Senior Anisa Velazquez uses her newfound free time at home to try painting. "I never expected to pick up a hobby like this, because I wouldn't consider myself to be very creative," Velazquez said. "However, I had a lot of fun and I cannot wait to paint more."

Staff Pick: Painting

Anisa Velazquez, Features Editor
April 3, 2020
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Senior Craig Cherubin puts his skills in the kitchen to use to make an English Muffin Panini.

[Video] Quarantine Kitchen

Anisa Velazquez, Features Editor
April 3, 2020
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This American Life by National Public Radio (NPR) was our staff's chosen podcast of the decade. The podcast is a weekly hour-long program is hosted by Ira Glass and is in collaboration with Chicago Public Media.

Podcast of the Decade – This American Life

Anisa Velazquez, Features Editor
February 3, 2020
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Freshmen Samantha Peraza Salek, Uliana Ermolaeva, Annie Kucera and Mya Loor smile with their poster for photography club on Thursday, October 10 at the homecoming parade. Clubs decorated their signs with beach-themed decor to fit the homecoming theme of Escape to Paradise.

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Sophomores Landon Moran and Luke Heyman talk before an at-bat. Both Landon and Luke verbally committed to play baseball for the University of Florida in Dec. of their freshman years.

Meet the students that verbally committed to UF

Anisa Velazquez, Feature Editor
October 22, 2019
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Seniors Keaton Johnson, Joshua Roberts, Arjun Mahamkali, and Rachel Narvaez solve an incomplete puzzle during Fitzgerald's AP Research class. The goal of the assignment was to show students that their  project will have gaps that they need to fill with their own research.

No Bad Vibes in Building Five

Anisa Velazquez, Features Editor
September 23, 2019
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The longest government shutdown in U.S history occurred from Dec. 22, 2018 to Jan. 25, 2019.

Why the government shutdown was beneficial

Anisa Velazquez, Features editor
February 22, 2019
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Yellow-Out Pep Rally

Anisa Velazquez, Features Editor
August 30, 2018
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Patriot Pete and Principal Dr. Trent Daniel pose for a photo in front of the crowd displaying their yellow-out gear in order to support B11, a rare form of cancer afflicting Dr. Daniels son, Britton. The football game against Hagerty High Dchool took place on Friday, Aug. 24 on the Tom Storey Field, with the Patriots winning with a score of 35-17.

[Photo] 8-24 "Yellow Out" Photo Story

September 4, 2018
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The dancers pose for a photo during their halftime show preparation where they stretch and practice parts of their routine. The football game against Hagerty High School took place on Friday, Aug. 24 on the Tom Storey Field, with the Patriots winning with a score of 35-17.

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Sophomore Anayansi Santiago assesses the court on Monday, January 29, at the Main Gym. Santiago is a starting guard for the varsity Girls’ Basketball team. “Any games with good communication and equal mindsets benefit the team,” Santiago said. “This way, we can grow and understand each other better and play the game at a higher level.”

[Photo] Despite Loss, Girls Basketball has Bright Future

Carson Cashion, Journalism 1 Reporter
February 11, 2018
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Senior Matthew Jodoin adjusts the measurements of a table saw in orders to precisely trim his materials in Robert Flanders classroom on February 7. A table saw is a tool with a circular blade placed directly under a table that is powered by an electric motor, which allows for a smooth and exact cut.

Why woodshop needs to be mandatory again

Anisa Velazquez, Staff Reporter
March 15, 2018
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Senior Antonio Marquez sands wood in order to construct his assignment during his Building Trades and Construction Design Technology class on February. 7. Students build a variety of items, from toolboxes and stools to fuse ball tables.

Brantley’s builders in the making

Anisa Velazquez, Staff Reporter
March 13, 2018
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On the Basis of Sex is the true story of  Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her fight for equality as a women in the political world.  It was released in theaters on Dec. 25,2018.

On the Basis of Sex review

Anisa Velazquez, Features Editor
February 20, 2018
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Senior Gabriel Maisonet measures and slices foam in order to build a model house in his 5th period Drafting Class on January 18. “I am making a house out of the 3D model that I designed,” Maisonet said. So far it’s taken me about two weeks.”

Drafting Photo Story

Anisa Velazquez, Staff Reporter
January 23, 2018
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Junior Alejandro Franquez Garcia creates a digital blueprint in his 5th period Drafting Class on January 18. “I’m working on the elevations on the house,” Garcia said. “It’s taken close to four weeks. I started with a sketch. I may get to make it into a model house”

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Junior Brett Feldman inspects his digital blueprint  in his 5th period Drafting Class on January 18. “I’m designing my floor plan,” Feldman said. “I’m making it a 3D model and adding doorways and windows.”

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Senior Jacob Gillette measures and trims foam to create a 3D housel based on his design in his 5th period Drafting Class on January 18. “I’m cutting out the model to my floor plan to precision,” Gillette said.

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Sophomore class president Emily Klingenberg and Sophomores Lindsey Nowak and Kylie Brown brainstorm ideas for new class of 2020 long sleeve shirts at a student council meeting on Friday, November 29. “I really want to encourage our class to be involved, Klingenberg said. “This meeting was about finalizing a new shirt design and I wanted them to be a part of it!”

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On August 24, Physical Science teacher and Athletic Trainer Joel Chisholm assists his students in keeping an organized and focused learning experience in his classroom. “He explains things well until all of his students get it, Sophomore Yarelis Cintron said. “If someone is having trouble with something he will sit down with them and help them understand. He’s just a good listener”

Joel Chisholm

Anisa Velazquez, Staff Reporter
September 28, 2017
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Starlet and Sophomore Kylie Brown shares a smile while dancing to the song ‘Iron Man’ during the homecoming parade on September 7. “The feeling of walking in the parade is fun and exciting because you get to see your fellow classmate watch you perform, Brown said. “Even though it’s really hot you get to see all the little faces of the elementary schoolers and watch them smile in awe.”

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Members of the Lake Brantley Band march in the homecoming parade while playing the fight song. “ It is an exciting experience because you get to see the elementary students from Forest City who look up to you,” Sophomore and trombonist Jeffrey Glatting said. “ It is lively because the whole school is participating.

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Junior varsity cheerleaders and sophomores Lexee Yonke and Riley Hintze shake their pom-poms with pride as they walk with the class of 2020 in the homecoming parade on September 7. “It was my first time walking in the parade and I had a great time because I got to see my classmates and represent my class,” Yonke said.

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Students from the class of 2021 showed pride with a banner to represent their class while walking in the homecoming parade on september 7. Student council members holding the sign brought their class together in addition to making the freshman class float.

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Senior Beatriz Arroch films the parade while walking with Film Club in the homecoming parade on september 7. A variety of clubs and activities, such as Film Club, and sports like Crew all showed their school spirit by walking in the parade.

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Members of the sunshine club high-five spectators as they run by while walking in the parade on September 7. Many students enjoyed interacting with the parade watchers and hyping up the crowd.

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 Sophomore Reese Bennett shows school spirit by being covered in red, white, and blue for freedom friday on september 7. “Freedom friday and the parade got me excited for the homecoming game and gave me an overwhelming feeling of school spirit, despite how many problems the hurricane was causing for all of us,” Bennett said. “I could feel the hype throughout the day.”

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 Cross Country runners junior Gavin Koerth, sophomore Carson Yore, and Junior Zion Van der sanden hold up their team sign minutes before walking in the homecoming parade. The Cross Country team gathered together and walked in their freedom friday attire.

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The Art Honor Society shows a handmade banner to they painted to walk with during the Homecoming Parade on Thursday September 7. Over 20 talented students showed their club pride and school spirit.

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Juniors Fernando Garcia (left) and Takiya Williams (bottom middle) take a selfie with new friends they bonded with while waiting to audition for the ABC television show, “American Idol” on August 17 at Disney Springs at Walt Disney World Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Florida

Two musical theater students take on American Idol

Anisa Velazquez, Staff Reporter
September 6, 2017
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