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The student news site of Lake Brantley High School

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The student news site of Lake Brantley High School

The Brantley Banner

The student news site of Lake Brantley High School

The Brantley Banner

Joelle Wittig

Joelle Wittig, Editor in Chief

Joelle Wittig is a senior and is a third-year staff member and the Editor-in-Chief of The Brantley Banner. Outside of newspaper, Joelle has played basketball and lacrosse with the school for two years. Despite her many hobbies, much of Joelle’s life revolves around journalism, which includes student life editor of the yearbook staff. Joelle wants to major in journalism, while hopefully attending the University of Florida. Outside of school, Joelle works with kids at the Jewish Community Center. She is an avid lover of animals, including her dogs, and cats, but she could never choose a favorite animal. She also has immense love for English classes, taking many rigorous advanced placement courses throughout her high school years. Joelle can likely be found accompanied by yellowwhether it is her trendy hydro flask, her yellow phone or even her yellow converse. Above everything, she is excited for all that is to come this school year and is confident the journalism content will be the best yet.  

All content by Joelle Wittig
During the game against Dr. Phillips High School on March 4, freshman Jordan Sanchez slides to catch the ball from the catcher to tag out the runner.  “It’s a great feeling to know when you are helping your team out in any way, shape or form,”  Sanchez said.

Junior varsity baseball is divided into two teams

Joelle Wittig, Editor-in-Chief
April 26, 2020
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On April 3, Senior Joelle Wittig tries out her typewriter as she works to fix it up. "It was so exciting to see it start to type," Wittig said. "The ribbon I got wasn't the right size but it was enough for it to type and it gave me motivation to continue working on the project."

Staff picks: Making old things new

Joelle Wittig, Editor-in-Chief
April 7, 2020
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Girls lacrosse is just one of the spring sports that was interrupted by the spreading pandemic, COVID-19. A game tradition for the girls lacrosse teams was for the starting lineup to run by their teammates and hit sticks with them when their name was called over the speaker. Before the game on Feb. 27, junior Jaylee Ault ran past her teammates and onto Tom Storey Field. “It gives me motivation to play the rest of the game and it makes me realize that the hard work is paying off,” Ault said.

The impact of COVID-19 on sports

Joelle Wittig, Editor-in-Chief
April 3, 2020
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A game tradition for the girls lacrosse teams is for the starting lineup to run by their teammates and hit sticks with them when their name is called over the speaker. Before the game on Feb. 27, junior Jaylee Ault ran past her teammates and onto Tom Storey Field. “It gives me motivation to play the rest of the game and it makes me realize that the hard work is paying off,” Ault said.

Girls lacrosse takes the win

Joelle Wittig, Editor-in-Chief
March 10, 2020
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While 24 people were arrested with charges of arson, the majority of the fires were started by dry lightning storms.

Natural disasters demolish land and take lives

Joelle Wittig, Editor-in-Chief
February 13, 2020
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On the morning of Jan. 25, senior Joelle Wittig goes into Disney's Hollywood Studios to ride the new Galaxy's Edge ride, Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance.

Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance review

Joelle Wittig, Editor-in-Chief
February 11, 2020
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Mario Kart was the chosen video game of the decade. It has evolved to be available on a variety of consoles over the years, with it's latest release being on  September 25, 2019.

Video-Game of the Decade – Mario Kart

Joelle Wittig, Editor in Chief
January 30, 2020
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On Wednesday, Jan. 22, JROTC cadets practice commands during drill practice.

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Chick-fil-a has donated consumer dollars to anti-LGBTQ organizations for years.

Opinion: Know who you are giving your money to

Joelle Wittig, Editor-in-Chief
January 8, 2020
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On Friday, Nov. 1, the mangrove trees are potted and brought outside to grow.

Helping the environment one mangrove at a time

Joelle Wittig, Editor-in-Chief
January 8, 2020
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On Saturday, Aug. 31, Boston held the largest Straight Pride Parade in history, one week after a much smaller one in Modesto, California.

Opinion: Straight Pride Parades are unnecessary

Joelle Wittig, Editor-in-Chief
November 14, 2019
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On Monday, Oct. 7, the Powderpuff players line up on the line of scrimmage for their next play.

Seniors win Powderpuff for the fourth year

Joelle Wittig, Editor-in-Chief
November 12, 2019
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The football team lines up with Lake Mary High School at the line of scrimmage on Friday, Sept. 13. They prepared to play defense in the upcoming play.

Rivalry takes the field

Joelle Wittig, Editor in Chief
October 21, 2019
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With social media applications in the pockets of nearly every student, society revolves around the information they provide. These platforms have a wide influence, as voters across the country use them to keep up with politicians, share their opinions and stay informed on national news.

The role of social media in politics

Joelle Wittig, Editor-in-Chief
September 10, 2019
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[Photo] Madison Harris

August 30, 2019
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Drawing of the Notre Dame Cathedral as it burst into flames.

1000 years up in flames

Joelle Wittig, News Editor
April 30, 2019
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One day every year, seniors participate in Grad Bash. During this event Universal was closed to the general public and only students were allowed in.

Grad Bash attendees fill five buses

Joelle Wittig, News Editor
February 11, 2019
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Katherine Jucker receives recognition as a Seminole County high school semifinalist for Teacher of the Year. Representatives from the county rewarded her for her hard work and commitment.

Teacher of the Year

Joelle Wittig, News Editor
December 15, 2018
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Junior Sara Vratanina wheels her buddy from home base to first after he hit the ball during Buddy Ball on Saturday October 20 at the Eastmonte baseball fields. Buddy Ball includes kids ages 5-20 and volunteers of all ages.

Interact Club plays Buddy Ball

Joelle Wittig, News Editor
October 31, 2018
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Juniors and seniors from Seminole and Orange county schools play a group game called "Love Letter" at Electronic Arts. Ten students were chosen to go to Electronic Arts to practice and learn computer science techniques.

Electronic Arts helps students learn and grow

Joelle Wittig, News Editor
September 18, 2018
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"Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again" was released on July 20, 2018.

“Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again” review

Joelle Wittig, News Editor
August 30, 2018
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On Saturday, April 29, sophomore Aubrey Dettman attends a screening event of “Avengers: Infinity War” at Wekiva Riverwalk theater. Upon arrival, she received a Moviebill which contained facts and background information for the movie.

“Avengers: Infinity War” breaks records

Joelle Wittig, Staff Reporter
May 10, 2018
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Lake Brantley High School

Star Wars: The Last Jedi review

Joelle Wittig, Staff Reporter
March 18, 2018
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Lake Brantley hosts a spring art show every year for students to showcase the art they have worked on. In the community room, art selected is displayed for others to admire and photograph. “Being featured in the art show feels great because it gives my art a chance to be seen and appreciated,” sophomore Gabriella Jones said.

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The CFE Arena is where graduation will be held for the Lake Brantley class of 2019 and on. Graduation has been held at the Amway Center in past years so this is a huge change for next year.

Graduation Changes

Joelle Wittig, Staff Reporter
March 5, 2018
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 At the James M. Sprinkle Aquatic Center, the club water polo team practices on Thursday night, Jan. 11 Center. During the practice, the team members ran drills to prepare themselves for the upcoming tournament on Saturday the 13th . “It's through practice that we teach them how to put themselves into opportunistic positions and then how to capitalize when those opportunities arise in games,” varsity water polo coach Matt Tomlinson said.

The Importance of Practices

Joelle Wittig, Staff Reporter
January 31, 2018
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[Photo] Snapshot of Class at LBHS

January 18, 2018
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Following closing ceremonies on Saturday, Nov. 18, “Tracks” stage manager junior Bridget Froemming and tech crew members sophomore Jacob Shoemate, senior Paige Norman, junior Kaylee Savannah, and sophomore Destiny Spencer get together to celebrate the success of the One Act. Troupe 2888 was awarded a trophy for Best Crew for a One Act Play by the Districts judges.

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After Districts comes to an end, on Nov. 18, everyone leaves Lyman High School’s auditorium to meet up with their theatre troupes, and seniors Alex Iacuzzo, Francesca Natal, and Nicole Natal are congratulated for their success. The group won Best in Show for their small group musical, “Two Ladies” from the musical “Cabaret,” and received trophies as well as an invitation to perform at states for their work. “I put so much hard work into choreographing this piece and when I found out I had won, I felt so validated, everything had paid off,” Iacuzzo said.

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Seniors Alex Iacuzzo, Francesca Natal, and Nicole Natal perform “Two Ladies” from the musical “Cabaret” for the closing ceremonies during Districts at Lyman on Saturday, Nov. 18. The three performers won the award ‘Best in Show.’ “Theatre is my element and this small group really allowed me to push, not only myself, but the artistic envelope, I love getting the opportunity to do what I’m most passionate about,” Francesca Natal said.

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During the District Competition closing ceremony on Saturday, Nov. 18, seniors Alex Iacuzzo, Francesca Natal, and Nicole Natal perform their small group musical. They sang and choreographed Cabaret’s “Two Ladies,” which won the award for Best in Show, the highest ranked in the small group musical category.

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The attendees of the District Competition meet in the Lyman High School auditorium to watch the closing ceremony at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 18. As each school is displayed on the screen the members of that troupe cheer. As the ceremony awards were given, One Acts proceeding onto States were announced and Best In Shows, the judges’ favorites in each event category, were performed.

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On the morning of Saturday, Nov. 18, a few members of each drama troupe are required to attend a meeting in the band room at Lyman High School. During the meeting the attendees were informed on how to manage the doors of the Individual Event rooms they were assigned, how to keep time properly, and what announcements to make prior to the event.

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Seniors Alex Iacuzzo, Nicole Natal, and Francesca Natal perform their small group musical at the District Competition closing ceremony at Lyman High School on Nov. 18. They won “Best in Show” for their performance of “Two Ladies” from the musical “Cabaret” and are awarded with trophies, the opportunity to perform at closing ceremonies, and the invitation to perform at States. “It was so awesome to get to do something I love with two of my favorite people,” Nicole Natal said.

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On the morning of Friday, Nov. 17, the cast of the competing One Act, “Tracks,” meets up in the Lake Brantley auditorium to rehearse. The drama group ran through the performance and practiced moving the set on and off stage before it was packed into a rental truck.

Thespian Districts Photo Story

Joelle Wittig, Staff Reporter
December 1, 2017
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On Thursday, Sept. 28, the cast of Noises Off rehearses the first act in the Cynthia Berry Auditorium, overseen by drama teacher and director Laura Molloy. The cast learned how to deliver their lines and portray their characters. “Acting is not just reading lines, it’s making your character come to life,” junior Abiola Adebanjo said.

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Julie Collins works at her desk in the media center during first lunch. Collins was announced Non-Instructional Employee of the Year on Oct. 2. "I would never imagine that I would be employee of the year," Julie Collins said. "It was a lovely surprise and it’s an honor to be nominated and appreciated by your peers."

Employee of the Year winner Julie Collins

Joelle Wittig, Staff Reporter
October 14, 2017
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Seniors Matt Little and Jessica Powell prepare for a ride around the Tom Storey Field on Thursday, September 7 after being crowned homecoming King and Queen before the game. Powell and Little were voted winners out of a group of ten by their fellow classmates.

Homecoming Court

Joelle Wittig, Staff Reporter
September 28, 2017
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New to the school, U.S. history teacher, Michael Jaycox, works at his desk during his fifth period plan. “I will do whatever it takes to make a really good lesson, if I volunteer to do something I’m going to go full-toe and I’m going to put everything into it I can,” Jaycox said.

Michael Jaycox

Joelle Wittig, Staff Reporter
September 26, 2017
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