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  • 4/5 Grad Bash @5:30 pm
  • 2/14 Valentine's Day Pep Rally
  • 12/20 - 1/6 Winter Break
  • 12/12 - 12/15 Much Ado About Nothing in PAC
  • 12/19 End of Quarter 2
  • 12/16 - 12/19 Exam Week
  • 12/9 - 12/13 Winter Week
  • 10/31 Spooky Lunch Jams
  • 10/21 - 11/13 Fall Food Drive
  • 11/1 New Senior Lunch
The student news site of Lake Brantley High School

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The student news site of Lake Brantley High School

The Brantley Banner

The student news site of Lake Brantley High School

The Brantley Banner

Featured here is Kendall’s Depop, the platform on which she sells her earrings. As of September 22 she features all these earrings for sale to the public,  with custom orders available.

Kendall Beck Earrings

Rylee Malloy, Staff Reporter October 11, 2020

This pandemic has brought out the inner entrepreneur in many students on campus. Students are opening up their own small businesses doing what they love. Thanks to online shopping, one could run...

Senior Shelby Gay poses at her workplace, Chick-fil-a, in her uniform and mask.

Working through a pandemic

Kyra Martin, Staff Reporter October 6, 2020

At the beginning of the pandemic, many people had the luxury of working and attending school from home in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Essential businesses, however, would remain open,...

Students in Mr. Kupffer's third period class are quite close during COVID-19. This is just part of working out the setbacks during the pandemic this school year.

Quarantined But Not Sick

Rylee Malloy, Staff Reporter September 30, 2020

Quarantine is a new thing we have to deal with this school year. It creates a mix of many emotions as the time slowly passes. From the perspective of a student who was quarantined as a result of contact...

The Brantley Banner newspaper staff and Patriot's Pride yearbook staff have both been able to stay in contact with the help of weekly WebEx calls. This allows them to discuss the work they will be accomplishing for the week, as well as see each other and interact as they normally would in a classroom setting.

Social Distancing Staff Picks

Cassie Muse, Web Editor April 7, 2020

In the past few weeks, our world and ways of life have drastically changed due to the effects of Coronavirus (also known as COVID-19). Our staff has put together a list of some of the activities they have...

Girls lacrosse is just one of the spring sports that was interrupted by the spreading pandemic, COVID-19. A game tradition for the girls lacrosse teams was for the starting lineup to run by their teammates and hit sticks with them when their name was called over the speaker. Before the game on Feb. 27, junior Jaylee Ault ran past her teammates and onto Tom Storey Field. “It gives me motivation to play the rest of the game and it makes me realize that the hard work is paying off,” Ault said.

The impact of COVID-19 on sports

Joelle Wittig, Editor-in-Chief April 3, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic rapidly spread across the world, causing significant disruptions for sports players and fans alike. Sporting events, both locally and worldwide, have been postponed or canceled due...

On april 3, Junior Shelby Brunson sits at home and browses on Netflix in search of a TV show or movie to occupy her time in quarantine. All school systems in Seminole County have begun digital learning, and will do so for the duration of April. Due to student’s surge in free time, many have found fun and creative ways to stay busy.

Staff Pick: Streaming is Believing

Shelby Brunson, Opinion’s Editor April 3, 2020

If you are anything like me, you have probably spent your quarantine binging shows and movies on your favorite streaming platforms. Although not the most original of ideas, binging a good show will definitely...

Senior Anisa Velazquez uses her newfound free time at home to try painting. "I never expected to pick up a hobby like this, because I wouldn't consider myself to be very creative," Velazquez said. "However, I had a lot of fun and I cannot wait to paint more."

Staff Pick: Painting

Anisa Velazquez, Features Editor April 3, 2020

The moment I heard that school would not be back in session until at least March 30, (also known as: the good old days) I made an extensive list of activities I would try out in case I was stuck inside...

Online video games are a great way to keep in touch with friends over long distance.

Staff Pick: Video Games

Keaton Johnson, Graphic Design Editor April 3, 2020

To me, the best COVID-19 quarantine activity is playing video games. One of the biggest complaints of social distancing and quarantine is that due to the lack of school juxtaposed with increasing limitations...

Vice President Mike Pence holds a press conference with Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar and the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Deborah Birx Monday, March 2, 2020, in the White House Press Briefing Room.

Federal Pandemic Response Falls Flat

Porter Huyck, Staff Reporter April 3, 2020

On Jan. 20, the first case of COVID-19 in the United States was confirmed in Washington State in a 35-year-old man who had recently traveled to Wuhan, China. Since that first case in Washington State,...

Since ice rinks are closed for quarantine, Sophomore Julia Moon practices stick-handling outside her front yard with an old hockey stick and taped golf ball.

Staff Pick: Hockey or Homebody

Julia Moon, Staff Reporter April 3, 2020

Being under quarantine is not always fun when your local restaurant is open only for takeout or your favorite seat at the movie theater cannot be taken anymore because the theaters are closed. But of all...

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