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The student news site of Lake Brantley High School

The Brantley Banner

The student news site of Lake Brantley High School

The Brantley Banner

The student news site of Lake Brantley High School

The Brantley Banner

Aurora Jimenez Castro

Aurora Jimenez Castro, Entertainment Editor

Aurora Jimenez Castro has been on The Brantley Banner staff since 2018 and is the Senior Entertainment Editor. Her love for art began when she was a young child, when she constantly doodled in an attempt to decorate her bedroom. In her free time, she is often working on her own art, including oil paintings and building a portfolio. She also loves hip hop and R&B music and her favorite artist is Billie Eilish. She enjoys spending time volunteering at the Orlando Museum of Art, where she helps run summer camps and occasionally just stands and enjoys the art. In the near future, she hopes to attend the University of Florida after her time at Lake Brantley High School and wants to study political science and prelaw, with the possibility of attending law school after college. Her ultimate dream for the future is to live in a top story penthouse suite in Manhattan.

All content by Aurora Jimenez Castro
Sketchbooks are unique to their owner. Yours will not look like mine, which is what makes each page special.

Staff Pick: Why You Should Keep a Sketchbook

Aurora Jimenez Castro, Entertainment Editor
April 3, 2020
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The live streaming platform "Twitch" was first launched in 2006. Since then millions of gamers and video came fans have taken over the platform and made it their own.

Twitch Takeover

Aurora Jimenez Castro, Entertainment Editor
March 23, 2020
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ROTC cadets, Brian Garay, Dylan Hutton and Stephen Mackenzie are seen practicing commends on the field during a drill practice on Wednesday, Jan. 22.

The Draft Should No Longer Exist, here’s why.

Aurora Jimenez Castro, Entertainment Editor
February 26, 2020
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Taylor Swift was our staff's chosen artist of the decade. She has been the recipient of a plethora of awards and recognitions as the most awarded artist at the American Music Awards in addition to 10 Grammys.

[Photo] Artist of the Decade – Taylor Swift

Porter Huyck, Staff Reporter
February 5, 2020
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This American Life by National Public Radio (NPR) was our staff's chosen podcast of the decade. The podcast is a weekly hour-long program is hosted by Ira Glass and is in collaboration with Chicago Public Media.

[Photo] Podcast of the Decade – This American Life

Anisa Velazquez, Features Editor
February 3, 2020
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Mario Kart was the chosen video game of the decade. It has evolved to be available on a variety of consoles over the years, with it's latest release being on  September 25, 2019.

[Photo] Video-Game of the Decade – Mario Kart

Joelle Wittig, Editor in Chief
January 30, 2020
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[Photo] Movie of the Decade – Get Out

Shelby Brunson, Opinions Editor
January 30, 2020
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The Good Place starring Kristen Bell was our staff's pick for TV show of the decade. Drawing by Aurora Jimenez Castro.

TV Show of the Decade – The Good Place

Aurora Jimenez Castro, Entertainment Editor
January 30, 2020
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On Saturday, Aug. 31, Boston held the largest Straight Pride Parade in history, one week after a much smaller one in Modesto, California.

[Photo] Opinion: Straight Pride Parades are unnecessary

Joelle Wittig, Editor-in-Chief
November 14, 2019
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Senior Alfonso Troconis dances the night away with senior Harvey Troconis. Some of the most popular music played at the dance was Kidz Bop.

PIT Crew hosts first ever accessible Homecoming Dance

Aurora Jimenez Castro, Entertainment Editor
November 7, 2019
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Eli Leblanc encounters a starfish during her trip to the Exuma's during spring break 2019. Starfish have become so rare that scientists consider them endangered in southern regions.

Lion Fish, Tiger Sharks, Oh My!

Aurora Jimenez Castro, Entertainment Editor
October 22, 2019
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Yearbook and Newspaper adviser Katie Turkelson participates in a press conference run by her newspaper staff. She explained her teaching methods and how she creates a safe space in her classroom.

Katie Turkelson wins Teacher of the Year

Aurora Jimenez Castro, Entertainment Editor
October 22, 2019
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August and September saw music from mainstream hit makers such as Taylor Swift and Young Thug. The season also had shining moments from up and comers and industry veterans.

Falls’ Best Music

Aurora Jimenez Castro, Entertainment Editor
October 7, 2019
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Drawing of the Brantley Banner Staff by Entertainment Editor Aurora Jimenez Castro. Staff members collaborated to decide on what picks would make the final list, as well as voted for their favorites.

[Photo] About

November 12, 2009
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With social media applications in the pockets of nearly every student, society revolves around the information they provide. These platforms have a wide influence, as voters across the country use them to keep up with politicians, share their opinions and stay informed on national news.

[Photo] The role of social media in politics

Joelle Wittig, Editor-in-Chief
September 10, 2019
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Brian Blasewitz

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During Senior Anayansi Santiago's visit to Puerto Rico in July, residents of the island were mass protesting against then governor Ricky Rosello. Rosello ended up resigning, being replaced by two different governors, Pedro Pierluisi and then Wanda Vazquez.

The summer of dissent

Aurora Jimenez Castro, Entertainment Editor
August 25, 2019
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Drawing of the Notre Dame Cathedral as it burst into flames.

[Photo] 1000 years up in flames

Joelle Wittig, News Editor
April 30, 2019
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Since the emergence of the latte from Starbucks, pumpkin spice has been on the rise.

An Extremely Brief History of Pumpkin Spice

Aurora Jimenez Castro, Staff Reporter
November 2, 2018
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Junior Carson Cashion and Freshman Nicholas Vakordjian do the same defense dill. This is Cashion's second year on the team, and although season has not started yet showing up to practices has still been a priority. For the boys team there is one overarching goal, to beat rival team Seminole.

Pre-season Water Polo photo story

Aurora Jimenez Castro, Staff Reporter
October 15, 2018
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The emphasis on voting in the United States has shifted drastically from the era of suffragettes to modern times when many youths viewed voting indifferently.

[Photo] Voting Matters

Madison Harris, Business Manager
October 10, 2018
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A co-ed team scrimmage takes place at the end of nearly every practice. The scrimmages are a way for the coaches to see the teams’ strengths and how individual players perform in the chaos of waves and noise. The scrimmages combine everything players learned during the two hour practice.

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Sophomore Alexander Nyugen is seen here practicing a defense drill. By holding his hand up high this drill emphasizes both defense skills and steadiness for the offensive player. Due to the fact that water polo is a full contact sport these drills often involve a lot of pushing and splashing.

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The signature bright yellow water polo ball is hurled across the pool to Sophomore Isaac Benjamin. While attempting to catch passes players must also tread to keep their heads and shoulders above the water. The constant movement is one of the reasons why water polo is considered one of the most challenging sports of all time.

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 Senior Morgan Whipple and Junior Carrlee Crocker use their short water break, often used to take lanes lines out of the pool, to have some fun. “Preseason as a whole can be grueling, ”says Whipple. "But to me I think the dryland practices and leg sets are the most grueling."

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The goalies for both teams, Sophomores Emma Morgan, Niklas Edstrom, and Isaac Benjamin  practice placement and guarding the goal. The girls team has one goalie this year, Emma Morgan. Morgan has been attending pre-season practices and doing rigorous drills alongside the other goalies for the boys team.

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Sophomores Catherine Hill and Carrlee Crocker along with Senior Morgan Whipple practice passing along the lane lines. “This season I’m really looking forward to coming back as a stronger force together and winning some games with my girls.” says Whipple. This is Whipple’s senior year, making this upcoming season her last.

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Sophomore Miles Banks starts passing and treading drills with Freshman Nicholas Vakordjian practice passing along lane lines. These passing drills are often at the beginning of practice when the lane lines are in the water. This is so players can tread up and down along the pool while passing.

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Pictured above, Sophomore Niklas Edstrom leaps out of the water mid-tread  Practices often start with warmups that consist of swimming laps, the goalies on both the girls and boys team often use this time to practice their drill separately. “This season I personally look forward to my first season as goalkeeper” says Edstrom, “but for the team I am looking forward to the Seminole game.”

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